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Comprehension, retention, progression...

The better you understand what your are learning, the better means you have of retaining it and the more interested you will become in learning it; the more motivated you are to learn something, the more sustainable your learning process becomes and the more permanent the knowledge you gain! 



  • Simultaneously extend your knowledge of vocabulary and linguistic structure with effective and stimulating speaking and listening exercises

  • Meet your own personal goal which you set yourself at the beginning of your course, as well as collective class goals set by the instructor every half term

  • Follow teaching methods incorporating explanations, drills and exercises for a sound grasp of the fundamental concepts of the structure of a language, its vocabulary and even its history

  • Graduate with the confidence and capability to speak on a variety of topics with accuracy and fluency

  • Make swift progress and keep track of your goals set and met

  • Sustain and retain your current learning progress and guarantee higher chances of further foreign language acquisition


Following a 3-week rotation between grammar, vocabulary topic and "field learning," each class consists of the same basic elements: a warm-up exercise revisiting content covered in the previous session, a brief explanation of the learning objective followed by various speaking, speaking & listening or reading & listening drills, depending on the rotation, and an interactive quizz involving movement and actions. A short assignment is then set which will contribute to the following session, preparing students and facilitating their consistent progress


By habituating themselves to a consisent lesson format, learners develop rituals within their individual learning process whereby they can rely on being able to take notes, concentrate on a more involved activity and take a break at particular times. Most importantly, they can feel fully prepared ahead of each class!


Classes are nevertheless varied, incorporating a range of teaching methods and different drills, exercises and activities to stimulate and motivate all learners. Classes are also highly energetic, ensuring you stay focused and interested and enhancing your learning experience!

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